Where oh where to find.... Swedish 1850 pistols

Started by Fabian23, 05. March 2013 kl. 18:53:40

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Gents, in particular Swedish members of the forum, where could I find a complete pair of Swedish m/1850 cavalry pistols?

I would prefer not to go into auctions so if anyone knows of a set for sale please please let me know.  If the stock is also available then even better!
Give me iron, steel and wood!  Tupperware guns are for losers!

My website, growing entry by entry:http://www.militarygunsofeurope.eu[/url]

Øyvind F.

Unless you want to try Swedish auction sites, I would try an ad on the Norwegian market page which has quite a few daily visitors. Good luck!

Øyvind F. - forum admin
Ta også en kikk på kammerlader.no.


Give me iron, steel and wood!  Tupperware guns are for losers!

My website, growing entry by entry:http://www.militarygunsofeurope.eu[/url]


I have found a Flankör pistol.  Now all I need is someone to make the Löskolv for me :-D
Give me iron, steel and wood!  Tupperware guns are for losers!

My website, growing entry by entry:http://www.militarygunsofeurope.eu[/url]