Nordic Black Powder Championships 2014

Started by Øyvind F., 18. July 2014 kl. 17:18:04

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Øyvind F.

Black Powder shooters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are gathered this weekend in Copenhagen for the annual Nordic Black Powder Championships. The competitions start tomorrow morning at 09:00. Check back on this thread for more pictures, results and videos!

Open air firearms inspection.

Two Norwegian veterans relaxing in the pleasant Danish summer.

The gravel in Denmark is packed with flint, so if your musket fails to spark just step outside and pick up a new flint! Remember to wear shoes.

The Danes have a great facility. Here is the 50 metre range.

More pictures and perhaps some results tomorrow.
Øyvind F. - forum admin
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Øyvind F.

Some pictures from the Saturday:

Per Zachrisson (Sverige) loading.

Maximillian replica.

The 25 and 50 metre range.

Flintlock muskets.

Johan Karlsson (Blackpowder) is concentrated during loading.

And the same Karlsson is satisfied with 99 points in Miquelet original (military smooth-bore musket at 50 metres.

Original revolvers for sale.

Maybe not that smart with flint in the gravel after all?
Øyvind F. - forum admin
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